

Five most interesting and exciting books

There are a huge number of works for every taste someone Who likes romance novels, detectives, or adventure. We offer to your attention the shudder and shaking knees. They will help you cheer up and get the thrill.

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William Faulkner “Noise and fury”

From the book, you learn about the terrible secrets of the family of Consono. What is hidden from prying eyes in the walls of the house tell of its inhabitants: men, women, and the idiot Benjy, Compson. The family is quite prosperous. The company has servants, the farm, and at the same time, they are cruelty and violence.

No one respects. Workers laugh at owners, older over younger, and all of the mock patients Benji. The long family has cracked and is about to disintegrate. The atmosphere is heating up and threatens to turn into something horrible. We can only contemplate the inevitable culmination of the destructive process.

Edgar Allan PoE “The masque of the red death”

Creation of Edgar Allan PoE is filled with feelings and colors. Here he talks about the Prince who decided to avoid contagious disease and, together with the approximate locked in the castle, arranged in this merry carnival.

The feast was in full swing when they entered the stranger in a red mask and followed smoothly behind the Prince and his guests on all seven different decorated rooms. What did he want? Why fear wandered into the heart? Read about it in the book.

Gaston Leroux The Phantom Of The Opera

The Opera house is a real city. Here and secret passages and underground floors. The author symbolically chose the theater, because the people who work and live and play their role. The narrative is in the first-person. The man in the form of memories trying to recall events of bygone days.

Once in the building began to happen strange and inexplicable things. From walls were falling pictures, lost things, and soon began to kill people. Many have argued that the Opera was infested Ghost. Whether so it actually? Read the action-Packed book.

Ruiz Savona “The shadow of the wind”

The book will appeal to fans of riddles, puzzles, and mysteries. Novel just with a head immerses in the opposite direction of Barcelona, where the main character will meet sinister strangers and lovely ladies. The most important thing for him is to reveal the mystery book that he found in the “Cemetery of forgotten books”. It changed not only his life but everyone that ever touched it.

Herbert George wells “The Island of Dr. Moreau”

The novel vividly depicts the picture of how crazy, but very creative scientist went to an uninhabited island for cruel experiments on animals. As a result, he brought a new type of man-beasts. The book is not for the faint of heart, but for people with strong nerves.

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